Welcome to the Connecticut Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. We are an organization consisting of fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandsons and granddaughters of those persons, both male and female that have honorably served in the Armed forces of the United States. We believe in Americanism, which has been defined as an unfailing love of country; loyalty to its institutions and ideals, eagerness to defend it against all enemies, undivided allegiance to the flag, and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity.

We serve and support the veterans, active duty soldiers and their families of the United States. For, they are the ones that put their lives on the line to allow us the daily freedoms we enjoy.


 The Department Auction is March 22, 2025, at Wolcott VFW Post 1979
located at 1115 Wolcott Road, Wolcott. Cost for lunch and the Auction is $10 per person.
Please click here to view the flier.
Deadline for the tickets is March 17, 2025. 
District 4 will be having a testimonial dinner Saturday, April 12,2025 
at the Jewett City Post 10004 located at 263 Taylor Hill Road, Jewett City, CT. 
The cost is $35 per person.  Please click here to view the particulars and to print
an order form. Deadline for tickets is April 4, 2025.
District 2 will be having a testimonial dinner Sunday, April 13, 2025
at Violi's located at 688 Westfield Road, Meriden, CT.  The cost is $50 per person.
Please click here to view the particulars and to print an order form. 
Deadline for tickets is March 28, 2025.

News & Events

Upcoming events

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View Local, State and National events. 


Membership Details

As yesterday's defenders of freedom...

 ...we want to welcome today's military service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group.

WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, Kosovo, War in Afghanistan, War in Iraq, War on Global Terror and other Peace-Keeping Expeditionary Campaigns throughout the globe.

Assistance & Benefits

Assistance & Benefits

The Veterans of Foreign Wars is dedicated

 to supporting those who sacrifice so much for this country, veterans, service members in the US Armed Forces, and their families and continues to be a voice for returning and currently deployed service members and their families.

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

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The objects of this organization shall be fraternal, patriotic, historical, charitable and educational; to assist the Posts and members thereof of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and its own members whenever possible; to maintain true allegiance to the Government of the United States of America and fidelity to its Constitution and Laws; to foster true patriotism, to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom and equal rights and justice to all men and women; to preserve and defend the United States of America from all her enemies." (From the National Auxiliary Bylaws and Rituals 2020).