Veterans and Family Support - This program includes assistance to veterans who are not in
hospitals or nursing homes, and to Military families. It includes financial assistance, bringing
meals to shut-ins, and providing support during times of illness and bereavement. It can involve
driving people to the doctor's office or to church, mowing their lawn, helping with shopping, or
any type of assistance. It also includes support for the Military, such as funding or donating to
the National Military Services fund, adopting a Unit, or providing assistance to Military families
Connecticut Bulletins:
Veteran & Military Suicide Awareness
VFW’s National Veterans Service
NVS consists of a nationwide network of service officers who are experts in dealing with the claims process and help thousands of veterans cut through the bureaucratic red tape every year. They are the key to success, recovering approximately $1 billion in earned benefits and compensation for veterans each year.
VFW’s Veterans & Military Support Program